Firearm Permit

Check List for Permit Applications Ireland

Countries within Europe
1. Receipt of payment of €40 for permit (order notification will be sent to your email after completing payment)
2. Copy of all pages of European pass
3. Copy of Firearm Licence
4. Completed Application Form (Link here to download form)
All the above must be sent to garda.permit@ictsa.ie

Countries Outside of Europe
1. Receipt of payment of €40 for permit (order notification will be sent to your email after completing payment)
2. Copy of Passport
3. Copy of proof of ownership of firearm to be used
4. Completed Application Form (Link here to download form)
All the above must be sent to garda.permit@ictsa.ie

All Applications for permits must use email address listed
Closing date for permit applications WITHIN European Countries is 18th May 2019
Closing date for permit applications OUTSIDE of European Countries is 4th of May 2019

Applications that do not meet the criteria listed above will not be processed